AvsPmod (x64) Script

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                                              1. -Options, Settings- #############################

vidfile = "VIDEOFILE" subfile = "SUBFILE" group = "GROUPNAME"

  1. Unless upscaling leave these as 0, else add desired px values

VidClp_width = 0 #1280 VidClp_height = 0 #720

  1. Adding blank frames in front or back of the VidClp

Front_FramePadding = 0 Back_FramePadding = 0

Logging = false display_group = true displayFramNum = false display_timecode = false display_subtitles = true

Notes = "" # If none then keep empty quotes

                                    1. -Should Not Need To Change- ##########################
  1. c1 = ChangeFPS(c1,29.950)
  2. c2 = ChangeFPS(c2,29.950)
    1. creating file and set path for future log entries:

(Logging) \ ? Eval(""" folder = ScriptDir() (RightStr(folder, 1) == "\")

   \    ? SetLogParams(folder + group + "_ScriptLog.log", LOG_INFO)

\  : SetLogParams(folder + "\" + group + "_ScriptLog.log", LOG_INFO) LogMsg(string("Starting Logger"), LOG_INFO) """) \:nop() # Undefined()


  1. Alt to FFVideoSource but needs other changes for script to work right

c1 = LWLibavVideoSource(vidfile,format="YUV420P8")

  • /

c1 = FFVideoSource (vidfile, varprefix="c1_", colorspace="YV12")

  1. Add blank frames to vid file if needed

(StrLen(subfile) == 0) \ ? Eval("""

   F_blank1 = BlankClip(c1, length= Front_FramePadding)  
   B_blank1 = BlankClip(c1, length= Back_FramePadding)
   c1 = F_blank1+c1+B_blank1     

\: nop()

w = c1.Width () h = c1.Height () wm4 = (w + 3) / 4 * 4 hm4 = (h + 3) / 4 * 4

target_width = (VidClp_width > 0) ? VidClp_width : w target_height = (VidClp_height > 0) ? VidClp_height : h

matrix = (1 <= c1_FFCOLOR_SPACE <= 4) ? "709" \  : (c1_FFCOLOR_SPACE >= 5) ? "601" : nop() par = (c1_FFSAR_NUM > 0 && c1_FFSAR_DEN > 0) \  ? Float (c1_FFSAR_NUM) / Float (c1_FFSAR_DEN) \  : nop() tv_range = (c1_FFCOLOR_RANGE != 2)

  1. Adding Subs based on the file ext

Subs = (StrLen(subfile) > 0 && display_subtitles) \  ? (RightStr(LCase(subfile), 3) == "sup") \  ? SupTitle(c1,subfile) \  : (RightStr(LCase(subfile), 3) == "sub") \  ? VSFilter_Vobsub(c1,subfile) \  : AssRender(c1,subfile) \: nop()

  1. Add blank frames to vid+sub file if needed

(StrLen(subfile) > 0 && display_subtitles) \ ? Eval("""

   F_blank2 = BlankClip(Subs, length= Front_FramePadding)  
   B_blank2 = BlankClip(Subs, length= Back_FramePadding)

\: nop()

(VersionNumber () >= 2.6) ? last \ : AddBorders (0, 0, wm4 - w, hm4 - h)

  1. upscale

((par > 0) ? \ (target_width != c1.Width() || target_height != c1.Height()) \  ? Dither_srgb_display (par=par, matrix=matrix, tv_range=tv_range, w=target_width, h=target_height) \  : Dither_srgb_display (par=par, matrix=matrix, tv_range=tv_range) \  :(target_width != c1.Width() || target_height != c1.Height()) \  ? Dither_srgb_display (autopar=True, matrix=matrix, tv_range=tv_range, w=target_width, h=target_height) \  : Dither_srgb_display (autopar=True, matrix=matrix, tv_range=tv_range) \)

  1. for screenshot macro and info in screenshot

screenShotGroup = (target_width > c1.Width() || target_height > c1.Height()) \ ? group + "_Upscaled" : group cmt1 = (target_width > c1.Width() || target_height > c1.Height()) \ ? group + "\nupscaled" : group cmt2 = (display_group) ? \ cmt1 : ""

FFInfoEX(framenum=displayFramNum,vfrtime=display_timecode, cfrtime=false, frametype=false, x=last.width-6, y=4, cmt=cmt2, align=9, shorttime=true)

  1. Adding notes on screen

(StrLen(Notes) > 0 ) \  ? Subtitle("Note: " + Notes, lsp=0,text_color=$fd2f2f,size=24,align=7,y=5) \  : Subtitle("")